Girl dating jim the office

girl dating jim the office

James Duncan Halpert is a fictional character in the U.S. version of the television sitcom The In “Fun Run” Pam and Jim tell the Camera Crew that they are dating, after being seen kissing after work in the last episode of season 3. Their daughter, Cecelia Marie Halpert (named after Jenna Fischer's niece who was born. Jim and Pam: The Dating Years · Fun Run (S4E1/2) · Dunder Mifflin Infinity (S4E3​/4) · Money (S4E7/8) · Dinner Party (S4E13) · Chair Model (S4E14). And, a lot of people told me I was crazy to wait this long for a date with a girl I work The Office - everyone thinks it's only a show about being funny, but Jim and.

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